Our Team

Meet the passionate professionals who empower the next generation of startups to achieve groundbreaking results. We don't just guide, we propel. Our team of seasoned veterans is here to bridge the gap between your vision and reality. With their unparalleled expertise, we unlock your startup's full potential.

Lawal Dania

Managing Partner

Marco Poliafico

Consultant - Strategy

Amber J Adams

Consultant -Leadership & Talent

Adi Shmorak

Consultant - Product

Alon Even

Principal Consultant - Marketing

Rusty Stapp

Principal Consultant - Sales

Mark Hawtin

Principal Consultant - Operations

“Are you driven by a bold vision, ready to break the mold, and leave a lasting impact on the world? We're seeking passionate entrepreneurs who share our commitment to building a better tomorrow through technology. Join our movement, be part of the solution, and shape the future, today”

Find us

86-90 Paul Street

London EC2A 4NE



Opening hours

Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm